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Diabetes care at your fingertips.

Do you suffer from neuropathy, low energy, bad eyesight, or uncontrollable blood sugar?

We offer an innovative new therapy to treat the root cause of diabetic complications: Metabolic Failure.

DFW Diabetic Relief helps seniors
DFW Diabetic Relief is a Remote Care Clinic for people living with diabetes.

Get real results

In a recent study, 75% of our patients saw average A1C decrease by over 2.5 points over a year.
Improved Neuropathy
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Report Improvement in at least one diabetic complication
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HbA1c Reduction
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Reduced diabetic medications
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Experience results that have the potential to astonish you and your doctor!

Restored energy, medications reduced, diminished nerve pain, diminished retinopathy, wounds healed, amputations prevented, controlled weight, controlled blood sugar, reduced blood pressure, restored erectile function, improved mood and sleep, and hair and nail growth.

Personalized care

Meet with your Care Team to build a personalized plan and schedule regular visits with our clinicians to track your progress.

So many happy patients

My blood sugar is controlled
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“My blood sugar is now controlled and my eyesight has improved so much I went from legally blind without glasses to now being able to read the captions on the TV with no glasses, and I’m down from six vials of insulin per month to only three.”
It's almost a miracle
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“It’s almost a miracle that my foot healed so well. I started treatment and within three weeks it had healed. The wound had been there for three months prior to treatment.”
My neuropathy disappeared
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“I haven’t felt this good in years. It’s like my neuropathy just disappeared and my energy level has increased.”
Symptoms got better
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"By taking these insulin infusions for their diabetes, some of their Parkinson's symptoms got better!"

Questions? We have answers

If you are interested in DFW Diabetic Relief’s services, you can contact us or call us at 682-237-7600 and one of our patient specialists will ask you a few questions about your medical history to determine if you qualify. The process only takes 10 minutes or less, and the patient specialists can answer any questions you may have.

We work with most insurance plans and, of course, Medicare. However, if we are not in-network on your plan, our insurance experts will assist you in determining coverage for your services. When we get your insurance information, we can review your policy and better answer the question.

You will meet with a member of our medical staff who will review your medical history and physical condition and explain the treatment in more depth. This consultation is very important in creating your customized care plan. Typical consultations take 30 to 60 minutes. You may be asked to come prepared for blood work if your latest blood work is not up-to-date.

Everyone is different, so we rely on your individual and personalized care plan. At your consultation, our medical staff will determine your care plan and course of treatment. Care plans range from one three-hour weekly infusions to one two-hour infusion every six weeks.

We do not require a referral or approval from your doctor; however, please note that we are not a replacement for your doctor. Instead, we prefer to work with your doctor to co-manage your individualized care plan including treatment, testing, and clinical results.

Because this is a relatively new modality and most doctors use insulin as a drug versus a hormone, your doctor may or may not be fully aware of this patented treatment protocol. We would be more than happy to schedule a peer-to-peer review at your doctor’s convenience with our medical director. Please feel free to have your doctor review this information and contact us with any questions.

Ask about cash plans and patient financing. We’d love to help!